Literature Review
Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. The Empire Writes Back. New York: Routledge, 2003.
This collection focuses on the theory and practice in post-colonial literatures. It highlights multiple aspects of English including literature, composition, and language and how these elements relate to the critical analysis of postcolonial studies. A Reader's Guide, Bibliography, and Index make this work easy to use.
Boyles, Deron. American Education and Corporations: The Free Market Goes to School. New York: Garland, 1998.
This work focuses on corporations and how they influence the education system in America. It is seperated into chapters, each of which contain a very comprehensive set of endnotes. It also contains an index of terms and illustrations useful to this area of study.
Downing, David B., Claude Mark Hurlbert, and Paula Mathieu, eds. Beyond English, Inc.: Curricular Reform in a Global Economy. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 2002.
This collection of essays is divided into four sections which analyze the stages of curricular reform within a global economy. Each individual essay contains arguments and supporting information highly relavent to the focus of this MATW project. The index and works cited pages are highly great tools for navigating the essays.
Olson, Gary A., and Lynn Worsham, eds. Race, Rhetoric, and the Postcolonial. New York: State U of New York, 1999.
This is a collection of scholarly interviews with individuals who have implemented change in postcolonial theories. It includes biographical information for all contributors and interviewees. It also contains an index and a selected bibliography of related works.
Roen, Duane, Veronica Pantoja, Lauren Yena, Susan K. Miller, and Eric Waggoner, eds. Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 2002.
This is a collection of essays that highlight the practices, pedagogies, and ironies associated with teaching first year composition. The index is very useful for navigating this rather large book. The collection contains many essays on portfolio grading and the implications this holds for the department of English.
Slaughter, Sheila. The Higher Learning and High Technology: Dynamics of Higher Education Policy Formation. New York: State U of New York, 1990.
It is a work seperated into chapters, which describe the national policy formation process in higher education. It contains an index of statistical tables and key terms as well as an array of endnotes.
Solomon, Pearl G. The Curriculum Bridge: From Stadards to Actual Classroom Practice. Thousand Oaks: Corwin, 1998.
This study analyzes how curriculum works within varying types of classrooms. Chapters are divided into case studies of past, present, and future implications in this field as well as several writing prompts for the reader. It also includes a comprehensive bibliography.
Stringer, Ernie, et al. eds. Community-Based Ethnography: Breaking Traditional Boundaries of Research, Teaching, and Learning. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc., 1997.
This is an amazing collection of community based ethnographic research studies with profound implications in the field of collaborative learning. The appendix contains a highly detailed syllabus of qualitative research for educators and scholars.
Sullivan, Patricia A., and Donna J. Qualley, eds. Pedagogy in the Age of Politics: Writing and Reading (in) the Academy. Urbana, IL: NCTE, 1994.
This is a collection of essays addressing the politics involved with teaching and the teaching process. There is biographical information included about each contributor and editor. It also contains an index of key terms.
Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide. New York: Garland, 1999.
This critical study focuses on various theories of study ranging from psychoanalytic criticisms to postcolonial criticism. Every chapter includes definitions and explanations of key terms as well as study questions regarding the theory.
Useem, Elizabeth L. Low Tech Education in a High Tech World: Corporations and Classrooms in the New Information Society. New York: Free Press, 1986.
This work presents research on the affect technology has had on education in America and the implications to approaching education in low-tech and high-tech dichotomies. It contains a valuable appendix discussing the research methods used in each study.
Walther-Thomas, Chriss, Lori Korinek, Virginia L. McLaughlin, and Brenda Toler Williams, eds. Collaboration for Inclusive Education: Developing Successful Programs. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000.
This is a highly detailed, statistical study on the effectiveness of a collaborative curriculum in higher education. It also includes discussions of controversy against inclusive teaching practices and an appendix of recommendations for future reads. Finally, it contains a bibliography and index.